Formulating a Mid-term DX Strategy (2024-2026)

― Beginning the nurturing of DX Specialists and a data utilization infrastructure ―

  • Management

July 31, 2024

Shimizu Corporation (President Kazuyuki Inoue) has recently formulated its mid-term DX strategy (2024-2026). Under this strategy, Shimizu Corporation aims to become a “Smart Innovation Company” that creates new value for society by innovating its business structure, technologies, and specialists. Under this strategy, Shimizu aims to enhance cross-functional collaboration through DX to maximize its overall corporate strength to create value. We are engaged in the “establishment of a cross-organizational DX promotion system,” the “nurturing of DX Specialists,” and the “building of an IT infrastructure that is resilient to changes in the business environment” as priority measures.

For the “establishment of a cross-organizational DX promotion system,” an organization will be established under the direct operation of the president to promote DX from a management perspective. Specialists with advanced digital skills will also be assigned to act as the promoters of the measures.

In the area of the “nurturing DX Specialists,” Shimizu plans to raise the level of digital literacy among executive officers and employees, and work to nurture professional specialists within the company that will form the core of DX promotion. Specifically, over the next three years, the plan is to nurture more than 2,000 “digitally proficient Specialists” who will use advanced IT tools to drive operational improvements within departments, and 120 “DX Specialist” who will lead the transformation of existing tasks and the creation of new businesses by leveraging data and digital technology. All employees will also be required to undergo digital literacy training to acquire a digital mindset and basic skills through a combination of group training and SSP (e-Learning).

For the “building an IT infrastructure that is resilient to changes in the business environment,” we will consolidate internal and external data that has been decentralized according to function and task, and develop a new data platform that can be used as a one-stop system. At the same time, by restructuring and standardizing the task processes of each business and structuring the data, we will build a data utilization platform that facilitates management decision-making.

We have adopted “Choukensetsu” as the mindset for our corporate activities, in which we proactively explore the essential needs and challenges of our customers and society, and create new value that transcends the boundaries of existing businesses and organizations. We will leverage digital infrastructure and organizational culture established based on our mid-term DX strategy in the practice of “Choukensetsu” as we look to further evolve as a digital general contractor.

≪For Reference≫

Strategic concept and priority measures

Strategic concept and priority measures

DX (2030), the aim of Shimizu

DX (2030), the aim of Shimizu

Mid-term DX Strategy (2024-2026)

The information contained in this news release is the current information on the date of publication. Please be aware that this information may have changed by the time you view it. Please contact the company to inquire for further details.