SHIMZ Family Day 2016
Shimizu held an event at the head office on November 20, 2016, the day designated by the Cabinet Office as Family Day. Around 260 Shimizu employees and their families participated.
This event was held to help employees' families to better understand the nature of Shimizu's business and to reaffirm our connection to families. We have held this event seven times, and this was the second such event held at the new corporate headquarters.
During the "Business Card Exchange with Top Management" part of the program, the families of employees exchanged business cards with the chairman and president in a lighthearted atmosphere. Shimizu technologies and the work that the company does were exhibited and explained in the main conference hall.
Many employees enjoyed the company atmosphere and we received comments from employees who participated such as "This was the first time my family has visited the company. There were many fun events for children, and we were able to enjoy a day full of fun."