Climate-related Financial Disclosures based on The Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendation

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Currently, natural disasters caused by climate change may increase, and there are concerns about the financial impact on companies as well as the impact on society.

To address these issues, TCFD which was established by Financial Stability Board (FSB), released its Final Report in June 2017, which contains recommendations on the disclosure of information to stakeholders concerning the risks and opportunities from climate change for companies in four thematic areas: Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets. Furthermore, the movement towards sustainability information disclosure is accelerating, with the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan (SSBJ) being established within the Financial Accounting Standards Foundation (FASF) in 2022.
Shimizu recognizes the impacts from climate change on our businesses as an important management issue, and has determined that the disclosure of related information is essential from the perspective of sustainability. We endorsed the TCFD recommendations and joined the TCFD Consortium in October 2019, and disclosed climate-related information in line with the recommendations from 2020.

TCFD: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

TCFD Recommendations: Thematic Areas of Climate-related Information Disclosure

Governance the organization’s governance around climate-related risks and opportunities.
Strategy the actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning.
Risk Management the processes used by the organization to identify, assess, and manage climate-related risks.
Metrics and Targets the metrics and targets used assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities.

Source: Practical guide for Scenario Analysis in line with the TCFD recommendations, Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan, March 2021


In SHIMZ VISION 2030 and Mid-Term Business Plan〈2024-2026〉, Shimizu and its group companies (hereafter, the “Shimizu Group”) have positioned environmental issues, including climate change, as one issue that will have a material impact on management. We have also deliberated on basic policies and measures concerning environmental issues by the Sustainability Committee (Chairman: President). This committee is chaired by the officer in charge of SDGs/ESG, and consists of the officers in charge of various areas such as the officer in charge of Safety Administration and Environment. The committee deliberates on the results of specification and evaluation of climate-related risks and opportunities and also manages progress on achieving the greenhouse gas (CO2) emission targets in Ecological Mission 2030-2050. The results of these deliberations are reported to the Board of Directors for supervision. Furthermore, the Environmental Strategy Office, which is under the direct control of the company president, supervise activities and initiatives for achieving Environmental Vision ‘SHIMZ Beyond Zero 2050’ .
Important decisions on environmental issues in the Shimizu Group are communicated to business divisions (including branches) and Group companies through Environmental Management Supervisors Committee and Group Company Environmental Management Supervisors Council. Shimizu is also building an environmental governance structure that includes its main suppliers.

Shimizu Group Governance Structure for Environmental Issues

Shimizu Group Governance Structure for Environmental Issues


Climate-related risks and opportunities that impact Shimizu Group businesses include those concerning strengthening the policies and regulations needed to build a zero-carbon society and market changes and other transitions. It can also include acute and chronic physical changes due to global warming.The policy expressed by the Japanese government of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 will necessitate innovations in business models and transformation of industrial structure. Changes are already happening in the market and social environment.
Shimizu launched the company-wide, cross-organizational TCFD Working Group to extract and categorize the risks and opportunities presented by these transitions and physical changes as impacts on each level: procurement, direct operations, and product demand. The Working Group are analyzing the impact, the period of impact and the response of the Shimizu Group. The degree of impact is broken down into three levels: ↓↓↓ (large), ↓↓ (medium), and ↓ (small) for risks and ↑↑↑ (large), ↑↑ (medium), and ↑ (small) for opportunities. This is based on the assumed relative significance of the financial impact on business activities.In addition, the period over which each risk and opportunity is expected to have a strong impact is estimated based on scenario analysis and other factors. The periods are classified and disclosed as short term, medium term, or long term. (Short term: 3 years or less; medium term: more than 3 years and up to 10 years; long term: more than 10 years) The typical scenarios below were used when looking into the risks and opportunities related to transition and physical change.
The following representative scenarios were also used to examine the risks and opportunities in transitions and physical changes.

  • Transition Scenario: One of the International Energy Agency (IEA) scenarios in which the rise in temperature at the end of this century is Less than 1.5°C, compared to before the industrial revolution (SDS)
  • Physical Scenario: One of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenarios in which the rise in temperature by the end of this century exceeds 4℃, compared to before the industrial revolution (RCP 8.5)

Analysis of resolts, as factors that would cause a large impact, the working group selected the four factors of “expansion in the need for energy-efficient buildings,” “expansion in the need for renewable energy,” “policies that improve national resilience,” and “Market changes brought about by climate change,” as opportunities, and the single factor of “rise in summer average temperature” as a risk. In particular, we recognize risks such as heat stroke associated with higher average temperatures in the summer as a material issue that lead to deterioration of the working environment, etc. The Shimizu Group is thus implementing measures such as the promotion of labor savings and improved productivity through the utilization of robots and other technology and improvement of the working environment through the realization of work style reform and other initiatives. On the other hand, we recognize that “expansion in the need for renewable energy” is a tremendous business opportunity for the Shimizu Group. We have placed our focus on offshore wind power generation, which is one of the most promising renewable energy sources due to the scale and stability of its power generation. For this reason, we have built a dedicated SEP vessel, BLUE WIND*, for use in the construction of offshore wind farms. BLUE WIND boasts world-class work capacity and can withstand even the severe marine weather conditions in Japan. It offers an operating rate about 50% higher than regular work barges. We are also looking into using heavy fuel oil alternatives in the future. The vessel was first used off the coast of Nyuzen-machi, Shimo-Niikawa-gun, Toyama. It is used to construct an offshore wind farm at Ishikari Bay New Port in Hokkaido. We expect to continue to receive orders for the construction of renewable energy facilities based on wind power generation. Making full use of this vessel, the Shimizu Group will address the growing demand for renewable energy.

SEP ship: An abbreviation of Self-Elevating Platform vessel. A SEP vessel is a working ship with a self-elevating platform.
Blue Wind specifications: total length 142m, total width 50m, gross tonnage 28,000t, main crane lifting capacity 2500t, maximum lifting height 158m

We conducted a quantitative assessment of financial impact with regard to the introduction of carbon pricing. (The amount was the assumption that it will apply to the entire amount of Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions 214,709t-CO2 of the Shimizu Group (consolidated companies in Japan) in FY2022). In addition, the carbon price was estimated at $130, set by IEA.
The estimated financial impact of direct emisions

  • ¥4,187 million yen (214,709 t-CO2 x $130 (IEA carbon price) x ¥150 [exchange rate of ¥150 to the dollar])

This estimate assumes that it will apply to total CO2 emissions. The actual amount will probably be smaller than this. In addition, even if prices of construction materials and other items increase due to the introduction of carbon pricing, we expect the impact to be small assuming that the increase is passed on to construction prices. In light of the above, we assess the impact of the introduction of carbon pricing to be ↓ (small). Additionally, we are promoting the reduction of CO2 emitted during construction. Scope 1+2 CO2 emitted by the Shimizu Group (domestic consolidated) in fiscal 2017, the base year, was 275,575t-CO2, and if we achieve a 33% reduction in emissions (our medium-term reduction target) in fiscal 2030, The amount of reduction is 90,940t-CO2, and the value of this reduction is below:
90,940t-CO2 x $130 (IEA carbon price) x ¥150= 1,773 million yen

The Japanese government has announced a policy to gradually introduce a carbon fee system and an emissions trading system around fiscal 2028. There is also a possibility that CO2 emission reductions will become a requirement for taking private construction orders. The Shimizu Group is implementing various measures to maintain and enhance our competitiveness in response to the impact that greater weight being given to assessments of efforts to reduce CO2 emissions is having on opportunities to win orders. This includes the introduction of a CO2 monitoring system for all sites, the promotion of use of electricity derived from renewable energy sources and alternatives to diesel fuel, the development of a CO2 emissions forecasting platform for building construction and production (materials + construction), and the promotion of the use of electric furnace steel in design and construction projects.

In addition, we also considered nature-related impacts for the main climate-relate risks and opportunities we identified previously taking into account information disclosures based on the TNFD recommendations announced in June 2024. We have added those nature-related risks and opportunities in the column on the right in the table below. We found that some things we see as climate-related opportunities can be nature-related risks. Conversely, we found that things we see as climate-related risks can be nature-related opportunities. In addition, we found that some climate-related risks and opportunities are also nature-related risks and opportunities. We will consider both climate-related and nature-related risks and opportunities as important management issues in the future. We will reduce the risks and maximize the opportunities for each.

Main Shimizu Group Climate-related Risks and Opportunities

Cause Impact on Business Degree of Impact*1 Timing of Impact*2 Shimizu’s Response Nature-related Risk and Opportunities
→: Response Examples
Transition scenarios Risks Stricter regulations to achieve carbon neutrality
  • Introduction of regulations on new building construction to reduce the high burden on the environment will increase the cost of constructing new buildings and demand will decline. However, demand for renovation, etc. will increase, so Shimizu will need an organizational structure to respond to the changes in demand.
  • The Investment and Development Business will see an increase in the cost of construction and building and facility operation due to the installation of energy-saving equipment, etc.
↓↓ Medium to long-term
  • Organize the BSP*3 business, which is responsible for facility operation services.
  • Fortify the renovation business.
  • Develop human resources skilled in business management (use the Group company technical training centers).
  • Provide buildings with high environmental performance with attention to cost performance.
Introduction of carbon pricing
  • Carbon prices will be charged for CO2 emitted in business activities. Alternatively, offsetting with CO2 credits will be required and that will lead to an increase in costs.
Medium to long-term
  • Reduce CO2 emissions during construction and from Shimizu offices as part of the reduction targets in Ecological Mission 2030-2050.
Opportunities Demand for forest, agriculture, blue carbon and other CO2 credits will increase
→Promote CO2 credits for the technologies we own by using our knowledge and achievements
Opportunities Growing need for energy-saving buildings
  • Demand will increase for new ZEB*4 buildings and energy-saving renovation projects.
  • The Investment and Development Business will see an increase in the value of properties that meet ZEB・BEMS*5, and other environmental standards.
  • The need for structures and materials that effectively reduce CO2 emissions will increase.
↑↑↑ Medium-term
  • Pursue ZEB design and construction.
  • Add value to existing buildings based on Shimizu’s record in sustainability renovation*6
  • Pursue the Investment and Development Business and develop the Shimizu brand based on the Company’s ZEB construction record.
  • Promote widespread use of wood construction and wood structures.
Growing need for renewable energy
  • Business related to renewable energy will expand.
  • Demand for construction of renewable energy facilities will increase.
↑↑↑ Short to medium-term
  • Pursue solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, and small-scale hydroelectric power and other renewable energy businesses.
  • Supply low-carbon electric power through the electricity retail business.
  • Shimizu is using a SEP vessel for construction of large offshore wind farms.
  • Develop and commercialize a hydrogen energy utilization system.
Risks There will be a trade-off between renewable energy business and ecosystem protection
→Incorporate techniques equivalent to environmental assessments from the planning stage and take measures to reduce impacts
Higher ratings achieved through stronger CO2 emissions reduction
  • Incentives are provided by the client for reducing CO2 emissions during construction. Alternatively, reduction of CO2 emissions during construction is a requirement for winning the order.
  • ESG investment in companies that have successfully reduced CO2 emissions will increase.
    Opportunities for green financing will increase.
↑↑ Short to medium-term
  • All construction sites made subject to surveys on CO2 emissions during construction to enhance reliability of data
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions at construction sites
    (Introduction of electricity derived from renewable energy sources, promotion of use of diesel fuel alternatives derived from biomass in heavy machinery, etc.)
  • Development and deployment of CO2 emissions forecasting platform (SCAT※7) for building construction and production
  • Promotion of use of electric furnace steel in design and construction projects
  • Continue to issue ESG bonds and access other forms of green financing.
Risks Prices will increase and quantities will be restricted for biomass fuel due to rising demand for biomass (timber, waste cooking oil and food residue, etc.)
→ Improve environmental management capacity over the entire supply chain and strengthen partnerships
Physical scenarios Risks Rise in average summer temperature
  • The problematic shortage of skilled workers will worsen due to deterioration in the outdoor working environment.
  • Heatstroke and other health hazards will increase, mainly for workers who work outdoors.
↓↓↓ Medium-term
  • Use robots, ITC, AI, and other technologies to reduce the number of workers needed and increase productivity at job sites.
  • Improve the working environment through workstyle reforms, heatstroke prevention measures, etc.
  • Use the Monozukuri Training Center and Takumi Training Center to develop employees and skilled workers.
Risks Trees and plants will grow poorly and the optimal planting period will shorten
Increased frequency and severity of weather-related disasters
  • Damage from disasters at suppliers will make it difficult to procure materials, labor, etc.
  • It will become difficult to operate job sites and the risk of harm to third parties will also increase.
  • If the lifeline of owned properties in the Investment and Development Business is damaged due to disaster, the need for compensation of business losses and reputational risk will increase.
↓↓ Short to medium-term
  • Strengthen alliances with suppliers, mainly through Group companies and subcontractors.
  • Consider prevention measures that include third parties in temporary structure plans for construction.
  • Formulate disaster prevention and mitigation plans, including measures to prevent flooding before designing and building infrastructure-related facilities.
  • Pursue ecoBCP*8 in new building construction and existing facilities.
Opportunities Stronger policies on reinforcing national resilience
  • Infrastructure construction, maintenance, and building renovation construction to prevent flooding and torrential rain and wind damage will increase.
↑↑↑ Short to medium-term
  • Fortify activities to obtain orders in the infrastructure maintenance business.
Market changes caused by climate change
  • The market for new building construction and renovation will expand in anticipation of more severe natural disasters.
  • The need to relocate facilities will increase due to natural disasters and rising sea levels.
  • Demand will increase for community development to prevent natural disasters and health hazards caused by climate change and protect communities and lives.
↑↑↑ Short-term
  • Fortify BCP response proposals (use hazard maps in design proposals, etc.).
  • Build smart cities that enable residents to live in safety and health.
Medium to long-term
  • Create new businesses in non-construction areas.
  • Use satellite data for natural disasters.
  • Develop GREEN FLOAT environmental island and other future concept projects.
Acceleration in opening infrastructure maintenance and operation business and other public services to the private sector
  • Recovery from natural disasters will strain government finances so the market for the infrastructure maintenance and operation business will be opened to private companies. This will generate new business opportunities.
↑↑ Medium-term
  • Pursue the public infrastructure facility operation business based on Shimizu’s record in the PFI business.
Opportunities Cases will emerge requiring green space management and other technologies in the PFI business
→ Utilize technologies and human resources which realize and differentiate natural performance*9
  1. The degree of impact : ↓↓↓ (large), ↓↓ (medium), ↓ (small) for risks and ↑↑↑ (large), ↑↑ (medium), ↑ (small) for opportunities.
  2. Periods of impact are short term: 3 years or less; medium term: more than 3 years and up to 10 years; long term: more than 10 years
  3. BSP: An abbreviation of Building Service Provider. Refers to the provision of comprehensive facility operation and management services after completion of construction.
  4. ZEB: An abbreviation of Zero Energy Building. Refers to a building in which the primary energy produced and used results in net zero energy use
  5. BEMS: An abbreviation of Building Energy Management System. Refers to a system for managing building energy.
  6. Sustainability renovation: Refers to the renovation of existing buildings mainly to improve environmental performance, BCP performance, and health and comfort.
  7. SCAT: An abbreviation of SHIMZ Carbon Assessment Tool.
  8. ecoBCP: Refers to facility and community development that achieves both energy efficiency and energy savings during normal operation through the implementation of ecological measures (eco) and business continuity during disasters through the implementation of measures to ensure business continuity (BCP).
  9. Natural performance: This is the degree to which the construction methods and measures implemented with a target set for the state of nature have a positive impact on nature. For example, the number of animal species and population actually able to move around by setting up migration routes for small animals.

Risk Management

Under “SHIMZ Beyond Zero 2050," our goal is to minimize business risks and maximize opportunities related to climate change and other aspects of the environment for the Shimizu Group. Trends in responses to climate change in Japan and the world are reported in Sustainability Committee meetings and the committee discusses climate-related risk management for the company.
This committee examined aspects of external environmental changes that will impact the Shimizu Group and revised the Environmental Management Policy which specifies the company’s basic stance on environmental management and provides guidelines for action. The committee has also established targets for the reduction in greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions as one means of managing the risk of global warming. It has decided on specific measures to achieve the targets (in the construction business, shift from fuel oil to electric power as the form of energy used at construction sites, expand the use of electric power from renewable energy sources, etc.), and is regularly monitoring emissions volume.
The Shimizu Group will address the increasingly diverse and widespread climate change-related risks through the management of these risks.

Metrics and Targets(Based on consolidated companies in Japan and overseas combined)

To evaluate and manage the impact of climate-related issues on management, the Shimizu Group is specifing total volume of greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions as an indicator (KPI) and has set medium to long term targets for reduction based on SBT* (certification acquired from the SBT Initiative in September 2019). Shimizu set the new goal of zero CO2 emissions in fiscal 2050, based on SHIMZ Beyond Zero 2050. Shimizu will obtain SBT recertification based on the new goal.

SBT: Science Based Targets
Company targets for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions that are in line with scientific knowledge and aimed at controlling the rise in average global temperature (to lower than 2℃ (or 1.5℃).

Greenhouse Gas (CO2) Reduction Targets and Performance(Consolidated companies in Japan and overseas combined)

Scope Base year emissions Actual emissions Target annual emissions
Fiscal 2017 Fiscal 2022※5 Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2030 Fiscal 2050
275,575 214,709
(Scope1) 216,710 153,596
(Scope2) 58,865 61,113
3,451,656※6 4,122,779
  1. Scope 1: Emissions from use of heavy equipment and machinery (direct emissions)
  2. Scope 2: Emissions from electric power and heat purchased and used (indirect emissions from electric power companies, etc.)
  3. Scope 3: Other indirect emissions from the supply chain
  4. Category 11: (From use of products sold) Volume of CO2 emissions from operation of buildings that Shimizu designed and built
  5. The actual emissions volume for fiscal 2023 is currently being calculated.

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