Environmental Management

Aiming to be a Company that Helps to Build Sustainable Communities

We put into practice environmentally friendly business activities and the creation and restoration of the environment at all stages of our business activities to embody our contribution to the global society. We do that based on the Shimizu Global Environmental Charter we formulated in 1991 and the Basic Environmental Policy we formulated in 1997 (revised in 2019). Moreover, we are promoting environmental management to realize a sustainable society which takes into consideration the global environment as we have stated in our long-term vision called SHIMZ VISION 2030 and to achieve the SHIMZ Beyond Zero 2050 environmental vision for our group.

SHIMZ Beyond Zero 2050

The Shimizu Group has formulated our environmental vision under the title of SHIMZ Beyond Zero 2050. We have defined the sustainable society we are aiming for in that vision as a zero-carbon society, a resource recycling society and symbiotic society. We have stated that we are aiming to proactively provide positive environmental value to our customers and society in addition to eliminating the negative impact from our activities by 2050 (Beyond Zero).

SHIMZ Beyond Zero 2050

Basic Environmental Policy

We established the Basic Environmental Policy in April 1997. We are promoting environmental management across the company based on that policy. We have since revised the policy in April 2003, April 2004, April 2006 and May 2019 into its current form.

The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted at the Conference of Parties in 1997, and the Japan Business Federation published the Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment.

Basic Position Statement

Shimizu and its group companies engage in environmentally friendly business activities and creation and restoration of the environment at each stage of sales, R & D, design, procurement, construction, renovation, and dismantling of all business activities. We contribute to value creation for our customers and sustainable development of society.

Guidelines on Conduct

  1. Shimizu sets and works on the following related goals that will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
    1. Mitigating Global Warming (Ecological Mission)
    2. Resource Conservation and Resource Recycling
    3. Biodiversity Preservation
  2. Shimizu implements the following measures that will contribute to the achievement of our goals.
    • Energy saving and conversion to renewable energy in life cycle of buildings
    • Reduction of waste such as waste plastic and promotion of effective use
    • Promotion of activities for biodiversity preservation and indexing
    • Technology research and development that contributes to solving environmental issues and strengthening business competitiveness
  3. Shimizu complies with environmental laws and regulations through continuous improvement and utilization of our environmental management system.
  4. Shimizu contributes to value creation and social development through communication inside and outside the business, such as promoting the adoption of environmental technology through dialogue with customers, environmental volunteers and support activities.
  5. Shimizu strives to raise environmental awareness and acquire knowledge through environmental education.
  6. Recognizing this policy, Shimizu Group aim to minimize environmental-related business risks such as climate change and maximize opportunities.

Eco-First commitment

We acquired Eco-First Program certification in 2018. This is a program in which companies make a commitment to the Minister of the Environment to work to conserve the environment. Our Eco-First commitment is based on our targets for FY2030 such as measures against global warming, the effective use of resources and biodiversity efforts.

Eco-First Certification and Endorsement of the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren

ISO 14001 Certification

In 1998, Engineering Headquarters acquired certification. In 1999, Shimizu acquired certification for all divisions and branches, except for overseas branches.

As of January 2023, offices that acquired ISO 14001 certification encompass roughly 91% of all Shimizu employees and directors.

List of offices that acquired ISO 14001 certification

ISO 14001 certification of the acquired business sites Percentage of business establishments that have obtained certification
  • Construction and Civil Engineering all Businesses and Engineering Headquarters
  • Thailand: Thai Shimizu
  • Vietnam: Hanoi sales branch/Hanoi Office/Shimizu Vietnam
  • Malaysia: Malaysia Office
  • India: Shimizu Corporation India
  • Indonesia: Jakarta Office
  • China: Shimizu Corporation(China)
  • Singapore: Singapore Office
  • Taiwan: Taipei Office
  • Philippine: Shimizu Philippine Contractors
Shimz Group
  • SHIMIZU BLC Co., Ltd.
  • Daiichi Setsubi Engineering Corporation
  • FaB-Tec Japan Corporation
  • The Nippon Road Co., Ltd.
  • Shimizu Comprehensive Development Corporation, PM Division

Calculated based on the percentage of employees that work in the certified offices (this is due to the fact that certifications were obtained mainly for our large offices, and therefore the percentage of certified business sites does not provide an accurate picture of our certification ratio).

Of the international division, departments based in Japan are counted as domestic. Overseas establishments individually acquired certification according to the situation in each country.

External Coordination Related to the Environment and Climate Change

Activities with external organizations

Japan Federation of Construction Contractors (JFCC)

We participate in climate change committees and subcommittees of JFCC, an organization representing the construction industry, planning and implementing measures for the industry with other companies. Our employees participate in the Environmental Management Subcommittee, the Global Warming Prevention Subcommittee, the Biodiversity Subcommittee, and the Construction Byproducts Subcommittee within the Environmental Committee.

Japan Business Federation (Keidanren)

This is an organization of member companies that conducts various activities related to conservation. We participate in its activities as a permanent member, and an executive officer from Shimizu serves as vice chairman.

Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ)

We participate in the Environmental Management Subcommittee, ESG Subcommittee, and Circular Economy Subcommittee, engaging in lively discussions with participating companies and applying the results to our own initiatives.

We also participate in the Eco-First Promotion Council as an Eco-First-certified company and actively participate in biodiversity-related organizations. We ensure that our position is consistent with the organizations we participate.

Participation in initiatives

Category Organization Description of Activities Logo
Climate change, Decarbonaization Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Consortium We consider the impact of climate change on our business as an important management issue and believe it is essential to disclose relevant information from the perspective of ESG management. In addition to declaring our support for the TCFD recommendations, we participate in the TCFD Consortium to disclose climate-related information in accordance with the recommendations.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Consortium
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) As part of our efforts to realize a zero-carbon society, we have established medium- and long-term reduction targets based on SBT, using total CO2 emissions as an indicator to assess and manage the impact of climate-related issues on our business.
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
GX League(GX: green transformation) The GX League is a forum where companies actively engaged in green transformation (GX), together with government, academia, and financial institutions, engage in discussions for the transformation of the economy, society, and the entire system, as well as the implementation of GX for the creation of new markets. For our part, we aim to contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality by 2050 by participating in the GX League and collaborating with participating companies and organizations. GX League(GX: green transformation)
Biodiversity Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum The TNFD is an initiative that aims to restore biodiversity by creating a framework to encourage companies to disclose information on risks and opportunities related to nature and biodiversity and reversing flows of funds that cause loss of natural capital. In addition to endorsing this philosophy, we will promote the appropriate disclosure of information on natural capital by participating in the TNFD Forum, a stakeholder organization that supports the development of an information disclosure framework. Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum

SBT:Science Based Targets
Science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets established to limit the increase in global average temperature to below 2°C (and preferably to 1.5°C)

Organizations that agree with the purpose of the activity and participate in it

Category Organization Activity philosophy Logo
Climate Change, Decarbonization JCLP Recognizing that the industrial sector should have a strong sense of urgency with respect to realizing a sustainable zero-carbon society and be proactive, this unique Japanese corporate group was launched in 2009. By taking the lead in the transition to a zero-carbon society, we aim to become a company that is sought after by society. JCLP
CARBON RECYCLE FUND INSTITUTE We aim to simultaneously address the issues of global warming and improving energy access by promoting research grants and public relations activities focused on capturing CO2 as a resource and promoting recycling, thereby creating innovation. CARBON RECYCLE FUND INSTITUTE
Water JWF JWF serves as a hub for exchange and collaboration among domestic and international water stakeholders. It collaborates with a diverse range of stakeholders, including United Nations agencies, international organizations, development banks, governments and local authorities of various countries, private companies, researchers, and NGOs.
Based on this network, the organization works to create opportunities to take action on solving water issues around the world, including Japan. It seeks to ensure that all people on earth can fully enjoy the benefits and value of water.

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