ESG Management that Manifests Our Vision

Shimizu established the management principles of “With devotion and a spirit of innovation, we work to create value that exceeds expectations and contribute to a sustainable tomorrow” based on the philosophy contained in The Analects and the Abacus, our corporate credo. We engage in business activities, not only for our company, but also with a strong awareness of the sustainability of society and the environment.

“Pursuing ESG Management” is the basic policy adopted in the Mid-Term Business Plan〈2024-2026〉. This plan establishes non-financial key performance indicators (KPI) for each area of ESG. The key strategies in the plan mention the importance of talent development and intellectual property, and investment plans focuses on areas related to human resources.

Advancing ESG-based Management (Mid-Term Business Plan〈2024-2026〉 Key Strategies)

Fulfilling corporate social responsibilities through business activities to obtain stakeholder trust and achieve continuous increases in corporate value

E (Environment): Contribute to a sustainable global environment

  • Steady promotion of the mid and long-term CO2 reduction target "Ecology Mission 2030-2050"
  • Conservation and indexing of biodiversity within our businesses
  • Efforts for waste reduction and effective use of limited global resources

S (Social): Coexistence with all our Stakeholders

  • Response to natural disasters with our supply chain to provide customers and society with safety and security
  • Value that surpasses the expectations of our customers
  • Consistent respect for Human Rights and implementing "Working Style Reform" for our entire workforce, including employees of our supply chain
  • Coexisting with the local community as a good corporate citizen, contributing to the resolution of social issues

G (Governance): Strict Compliance & Strengthened Risk Management

  • Strictly enforced compliance and strengthened risk management
  • Dissemination of corporate ethics based on our company policy of "The Analects and Abacus"
  • Comprehensive risk management (including investment risk, geopolitical risk, risk of natural disaster)
  • Practice fair and transparent corporate activities
  • Improved governance through accurate information disclosure and dialogue with all stakeholders

Sustainability(ESG Management) Promotion Structure

Shimizu have established a Sustainability Committee (chaired by the president) to discuss and decide on our group's ESG-related policies, priority measures, and ESG-related  information disclosure (such as information disclosure based on TCFD recommendations).
We have established a system are repored to the Board of Directors for supervision.
Under the Sustainability Committee, we have been set up for each themes E, S, and G, and a system has been put in place to receive instructions or reports from the relevant functional divisions and departments.

Sustainability Promotion Structure

Sustainability Promotion Structure

Participation in the United Nations Global Compact

Shimizu became a member of the United Nations Global Compact in March 2013.
Simizu Corporetion is a member of the Global Compact Network Japan and is actively involved in the Environmental Management Subcommittee, ESG Subcommittee, the Human Rights Education Subcommittee (as Administrative Agent) and the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Subcommittee.
See the United Nations website for further details.

the United Nations Global Compact

10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact
Main Requirements Topics Activities (Web links)
Organizational Governance

Corporate Governance

Establishing a business environment

Human Rights Due diligence

Management Principles

Corporate Governance

Human Rights Initiatives

CSR Procurement

Critical situation on human rights
Avoidance of complicity
Resolving complaints
Discrimination and the socially vulnerable
Civil and political rights
Economic, social, and cultural rights
Basic labor principles and rights
Labor Practices Employment and employment relationships

Human Rights Initiatives

Diversity & Inclusion

Initiatives in Health and Safety

Labor conditions and social protection
Social dialog
Labor safety and health
Human resource development and training in the workplace
Environment Pollution prevention

Environmental Management

Resource Recycling, Pollution Prevention, and Water Use




Climate-Related Financial Disclosures based on The Task force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendation

Use of sustainable resources
Mitigating and adapting to climate change
Environmental protection, biodiversity, and restoration of natural habitats
Fair Business Practices Anti-corruption

Corporate Ethical Standards and Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Corporate Governance

CSR Procurement

Together with Our Suppliers

Responsible political involvement
Fair competitio
Promoting social responsibility in the value chain
Respect for property rights
Consumer Issues Fair marketing; factual, unbiased information and fair contract practices

Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Providing Safety and Security to Customers and Society

Protecting consumer health and safety
Sustainable consumption
Consumer service, support, and complaint and dispute resolution
Consumer data protection and privacy
Access to necessary and indispensable services
Improving education and awareness
Community Participation and Development Community participation

Stakeholder Relations

Contributing to Society

Together with Our Suppliers

Education and culture
Job creation and skills development
Development of and access to technolog
Wealth and income creation
Social investment

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