Environmental Performance Data

Third-party Guarantee

The actual values marked with a ☑ among the following environmental performance data have received a third-party guarantee from Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC.


CO2Emissions: Results and Goals(Scope1&Scope2)(Domestic and overseas consolidated)

Category Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Actual Actual Target Actual Variance
During Construction Scope1 t-CO2 150,955 195,510 190,000 ☑150,718
Scope2 42,322 21,104 30,000 ☑45,400 ×
Total 193,277 216,614 220,000 ☑196,118
Intensity t-CO2
amount of sales
(¥100 millions)
14.64 16.37 N.A. 11.29
Own Offices

storehouses and factories
Scope1 t-CO2 2,389 2,308 2,200 ☑2,878 ×
Scope2 16,472 14,180 14,000 ☑15,713 ×
Total 18,861 16,488 16,200 ☑18,591 ×
Total Scope1 t-CO2 153,344 197,818 192,200 ☑153,596
Scope2 58,794 35,284 44,000 ☑61,113 ×
Total 212,138 233,102 236,200 ☑214,709

※Domestic and overseas consolidated:Shimizu and our consolidated subsidiaries, same below.

Note: Nippon road corporation is shimizu’s subsidiary company since March 2022.
     But not included its CO2 Emissions at above date.
     Nippon road corporation’s CO2 Emissions date (only in Japanese)

Supply chain CO2 emissions(Scope3)(Domestic and overseas consolidated)

Category Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 note
1.Purchased goods / services t-CO2 1,384,010 1,497,319 ☑1,783,512 Target: Steel Materials, Rebar, Ready-mixed Concrete, aluminium, glass
2.Capital goods 228,095 236,559 ☑211,335
3.Fuel and energy related activities 17,467 16,894 ☑18,235
4.Upstream transportation and distribution 15,140 15,877 ☑21,917
5.Waste generated from business 98,443 120,687 ☑144,583
6.Business trip 2,156 2,556 ☑2,583
7.Employee commuting 5,022 5,650 ☑5,784
8.Upstream leased assets Not included in the calculation
9.Downstream transportation and distribution Not included in the calculation
10.Processing of products sold Not included in the calculation
11.Use of sold products*1 1,863,868 5,033,476 ☑3,753,163 Design and construction projects *50 years
12.Disposal of sold products 63,909 69,260 ☑83,302
13.Downstream lease assets*2 13,982 24,138 ☑24,390
14.Franchise Not included in the calculation
15.Investment Not included in the calculation
Scope3 total 3,692,091 7,022,417 ☑6,048,852

*1 The category 11 boundary applies only to stand-alone design and construction projects in Japan. CO2 emissions, including overseas construction and designs by other companies, are as follows.

The category 11 Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Japanese and overseas in-house design t-CO2 1,998,560 5,407,779 4,122,218
Including designs by other companies in Japan and overseas 4,031,431 10,694,248 7,292,350

*2 The category 13 boundary applies only to investment development properties.

Energy Use: Results and Goals (Domestic and overseas consolidated)

Category Scope Target energy Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
During Construction Scope1 Kerosene GJ 18,719 4,678 ☑33,819
Diesel Oil 2,182,972 2,846,352 ☑2,132,022
Heavy oil 58 362 ☑32,257
Gasoline 0 0 0
City gas 0 0 0
LP gas 0 0 0
Scope2 Electricity 337,013 169,221 ☑360,908
Cold water 0 0 0
Hot water 0 0 0
Subtotal 2,538,763 3,020,613 2,559,006
Own Offices + storehouses and factories Scope1 Kerosene GJ 4,272 3,888 ☑3,844
Diesel Oil 9,794 9,240 ☑8,711
Heavy oil 1,860 1,614 ☑3,775
Gasoline 4,555 4,466 ☑4,715
City gas 14,082 14,429 ☑22,682
LP gas 5 4 ☑5
Scope2 Electricity 118,333 115,241 ☑148,652
Cold water 13 12 ☑12
Hot water 9 9 ☑7
Sub total 152,923 148,903 192,403
Total 2,691,686 3,169,516 ☑2,751,409

Note:Increasing of heavy oil in Scope1 during Construction dues to using SEP Vessel “Blue Wind”.


Category Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
(Domestic and overseas consolidated) (Domestic and overseas consolidated) (Domestic and overseas consolidated)
(Domestic non-consolidated) (Domestic non-consolidated) (Domestic non-consolidated)
Construction Waste*1 Hazardous Waste 1,000 tons 3 9 10
2 6 ☑8
Total Waste 1,000 tons 1,497 2,022 2,124
1,392 1,732 ☑1,791
Non-recyclable Waste 1,000 tons 77 92 64
61 76 ☑61
Recycled Waste 1,000 tons 1,419 1,930 2,059
1,331 1,656 ☑1,730
Office Waste*2 Total Waste 1,000 tons 1.5 1.1 1.0
1.3 1.0 ☑0.7
Non-recyclable Waste 1,000 tons 0.5 0.1 0.2
0.4 0.1 ☑0.1
Recycled Waste 1,000 tons 1.0 1.0 0.8
0.9 0.9 ☑0.6
  1. Construction waste is managed by reducing the basic unit (amount generated from building work / total floor area) and the final disposal rate (ratio of waste that is not reused), not the amount generated.
  2. The office waste boundary applies to waste generated from Japanese stand-alone projects. They do not include grounds, technical research laboratories and Mokkoujou we own.

Resource Use (Domestic and overseas consolidated)

Category Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Green Procurement
Blast Furnace Ready-mixed Concrete 10,000 cubic metre 15.8 17.6 21.0
Electric Furnace Steel Materials 10,000 tons 5.4 5.6 22.0
Main Construction Materials
Ready-mixed Concrete 10,000 cubic metre 187.3 197.6 236.9
Steel Materials 10,000 tons 16.4 14.7 37.2
Rebar 34.4 35.9 21.6
Tropical Plywood Formwork 0.9 1.0 1.1

Note:The purchase ratio at Blast Furnace Ready-mixed Concrete,Electric Furnace Steel Materials and Rebar was reviewed.

Water Use

Water Intake Amount and Displacement

Category Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
(Domestic and overseas consolidated) (Domestic and overseas consolidated) (Domestic and overseas consolidated)
(Domestic consolidated) (Domestic consolidated) (Domestic consolidated)
Water intake Construction 10,000 cubic metre 105.5 130.6 128.0
100.0 121.7 ☑116.5
Office 7.2 5.8 7.0
6.7 5.5 ☑6.4
Water Recycling
(Head Office)
- - -
1.4 1.4 1.4
Percentage of Recycled from Business Activities 17.3 20.4 17.9
Total 10,000 cubic metre 112.7 136.4 135.0
106.8 127.2 ☑122.9
Water discharge
(Public Wastewater)
Construction 10,000 cubic metre 1,129.8 417.6 2,940.2
920.4 389.2 2,675.2
Office 10.3 5.8 7.0
5.3 5.5 6.4
Total 1,140.1 423.5 2,947.2
925.7 394.7 2,681.6

Note: Emissions into public wastewater are tabulated.Water withdrawn applies only to water supply.
     The grounds, technical research laboratories and Mokkoujou we own are not included in the scope of aggregation.
     Calculation standards: We have changed the calculation method from FY2021 as follows Offices of associated companies
     in Japan (water withdrawn and water discharged): We have calculated the estimated values using the original number of people
     unit prepared with the valid response values in the survey from the floor area unit in the Handbook of Air Conditioning and
     Sanitary Engineering (13th Edition) for the actual amount of water used by building type

Pollution Prevention and Waste

Emissions of air pollutants (Domestic and overseas consolidated)

Category Unit Emissions source FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
NOx t Electricity 37.9 24.5 40.9
Diesel Oil 224.5 292.4 218.6
Total 262.4 316.8 259.5
SOx Electricity 31.8 20.5 36.8
Diesel Oil 368.8 480.2 342.6
Total 400.6 500.7 379.4

Emission source unit
NOx: 0.310g-NOx/kWh(Electricity) 3.860 g-NOx/l(Diesel Oil)
SOx: 0.260g-SOx/kWh(Electricity) 6.340 g-SOx/l(Diesel Oil)
(Source: Japan Federation of Construction Contractors)

CFC gas (Domestic non-consolidated)

Category Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
CFC gas t 16.8 30.9 26.5

Environmental Accounting(Domestic non-consolidated)

Evaluating the Financial Impact of Climate Change (Domestic non-consolidated)

Category Cost
(Millions of yen)
Energy-efficiency Cost of energy-efficiency in Shimizu I-2 444
R&D Environmental business (energy-related) Ⅳ-1 774
Cost of R&D on environmental conservation Ⅳ-2 1,198
Total 2,416

Financial Impact of Pollution, Waste, Materials Use(Domestic non-consolidated)

Category Cost (Millions of yen)
Pollution Cost of steps taken to prevent environmental pollution at the job site Ⅰ-1 10,916
Resource recycling Cost of proper processing of construction by-products Ⅰ-3 21,280
Total 32,196

R&D Investment for Pollution Alleviation (Domestic non-consolidated)

Category Cost (Millions of yen)
R&D Investment for Pollution measure, Waste reduction, Recycling, Reuse Raw material reduction 1,045

R&DInvestment for Reduction of Water Relevant Risk(Domestic non-consolidated)

Category Cost (Millions of yen)
R&D for Water Pollution, Contaminating Soiland Grand Water 83

Environment Management Activity Financial valuation(Domestic non-consolidated)

Category Cost (Millions of yen)
Management Operation Construction waste measures Ⅲ-2 654
Environmental Protection Measures Operation and maintain of ISO14001 Ⅲ-1 465
Environmental Burden Measures Environment load watching measures Ⅲ-3 748
Environmental Education Environment related seminar attending fee Ⅲ-5 108
Capital Investment Energy saving capital investment Ⅶ-1 15
Total 1,989

Material Flows

The flow chart below shows the flow of energy, water, and material input and waste, water, CO2 , and material output from Shimizu's office and construction activities.

Material Flows

Calculation standard

Segment Segment Segment
CO2Emissions: Results and Goals
During Construction Scope1 Act on Rationalizing Energy Use (Energy Conservation Act)
Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Global Warming Countermeasures Act)
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiatives (GHG Protocol)
Emissions per base unit of construction (t-CO2/net sales on completed construction (per ¥100 million) calculated at specified construction sites

Based on the calculation method specified by the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors

Energy used at construction sites is measured and calculated for each type of energy as shown below.
  • Electric power: Calculated using the 2018 emissions factor of 0.461 t-CO2/MWh for end use announced by the Japan Business Federation . CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 2019 (International Energy Agency) is used to calculated emissions from electric power overseas.
  • Kerosine and heavy oil A: Measured from the volume purchased. Calculated using the emissions factors in the Energy Conservation Act and the Global Warming Countermeasures Act.
  • Volume of diesel used by trucks and heavy machinery: Calculated according to the formula, volume of waste and construction-generated soil transported x base unit for volume of diesel used + number of days trucks and heavy machinery are operated onsite x base unit for volume of diesel used (based on the calculation method of the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors).

The survey period for energy used during and CO2 emissions from construction is the calendar year.

Own Offices
storehouses and factories
Scope1 Amount of electricity used at domestic locations x emissions factor based on the Energy Conservation Act, the Global Warming Countermeasures Act, and the GHG Protocol (t-CO2/amount of energy used)
Total Scope1 Total of the above.
Supply Chain CO2 Emissions 1.Purchased goods and services Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain
Database of emissions unit values used in calculating an organization’s greenhouse gas emiss ions throughout the supply chain
GHG Protocol, Scope 3 and Standard
Amount of activity and financial results x emissions factor
2.Capital goods
3.Fuel and energy related activities
4.Upstream transportation and distribution
5.Waste generated from business
6.Business trips
7.Employee commuting
11.Use of sold products
12.Disposal of sold products
13.Downstream lease assets
Total Total of the above.
Energy Use: Results During Construction Diesel, electricity, etc. Energy Conservation Act and GHG Protocol
Energy used at construction sites and offices is measured by the amount of kerosine, electricity, etc. used
Own Offices
storehouses and factories
Electric power, cold and hot water, etc. Energy Conservation Act and GHG Protocol
Electricity used as offices and business locations is measured by the amount of electricity, thermal energy, etc. purchased.
Total Total of the above.
Waste Construction waste Hazardous waste The volume of hazardous waste and total waste (non-recyclable wasted, recycled waste) according the manifest, based on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act.
Total Waste
Non-recyclable waste
Recycled waste
Office waste Total Waste Invoices, etc. from waste management companies for the volume of total general waste (non-recyclable waste, recycled waste), based on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act.
Non-recyclable waste
Recycled waste
Water Intake Amount and Displacement Water intake During Construction Aggregated total of invoices from water facilities.
Volume of water purchased for construction sites and offices.
Total Total of the above.
Water discharge During Construction During construction, create and calculate sales per unit of sales based on workplace sampling responses.
The office has the same amount of water intake.
Total Total of the above.

Information Disclosure rights

We disclose information on climate change through our responses to the CDP’s climate change questionnaire.