Shimizu Initiatives
The number of employees who are foreign nationals has increased in recent years, and Shimizu has implemented various measures aimed at promoting their active participation and advancement. Shimizu has 71 employees who are foreign nationals working as part of our team as of April 1, 2017.
We believe that we need to provide an environment that makes these employees want to work at Shimizu for a long time, and enable them to gain experiences in a variety of locations in order to utilize the unique qualities of each individual and enable them to advance in the company.
We launched a social networking event for employees who are foreign nationals in 2015. This provides employees who are foreign nationals an environment in which they can exchange information with other foreign nationals and receive advice from senior employees, enabling them to build a network.
From 2017 onward, we are aiming to promote the advancement of these employees even more by holding training retreats in which their superiors also participate to facilitate deeper communication. We are holding these retreats because we see a need for our Japanese employees to better understand the diverse backgrounds of employees who are foreign nationals.

Social Networking Event for Employees Who are Foreign Nationals
We have held this event once a year since 2015 to enable employees to exchange information and develop interpersonal networks.
Each time we receive the following types of comments from participants: "The interaction with senior employees and peers has encouraged me," "I would like to keep in touch with the people I met," "I gained a sense of Shimizu"s concern for its foreign employees and this increased my sense of belonging in the company."

Offsite Meeting for Employees Who are Foreign Nationals
Shimizu has held training retreats for employees who are foreign nationals and their superiors since 2017.
Our goal is to promote advancement to a greater degree by including their superiors in the company and having them exchange opinions with them directly, rather than relying on the mutual exchange of information and networking with peers at social networking events.
Workshops and forums for exchange of opinions will enable mutual understanding, and will help to create an environment in which employees who are foreign nationals can participate actively and advance in their careers.
In commenting on their impressions, participants have said, "We were able to understand each other"s point of view," and "we were able to communicate on a deeper level."