Shimizu's response to the expanded target area of the State of Emergency declaration
April 17, 2020
Shimizu Corporation
As announced on April 13, we have a policy to close our job sites located in the target areas of the government's State of Emergency declaration issued on April 7, until the end of the emergency declaration.
Yesterday, the Japanese government expanded the target area of the State of Emergency declaration to the whole country. The first State of Emergency covered the seven prefectures of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka. An additional 7 prefectures, consisting of Hokkaido, Ibaraki, Ishikawa, Gifu, Aichi, and Kyoto have also been designated by the government as "designated warning prefectures" to focus efforts to prevent the spread of infection.
In order to cooperate with the policy of the government, Shimizu will, in principle, also close the job sites of the additional designated warning prefectures until the end of the State of Emergency, in consultation with the relevant parties. Additionally, we will further strengthen our measures for job sites located in areas other than designated warning prefectures, depending on individual circumstances.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.