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Shimizu Corporation Tokyo Mokkoujou Arts & Crafts Furnishings

HomeFeaturesの中のExploring the Possibilities of Lumber

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Feature Series

Exploring the Possibilities of Lumber

This series of features describes the attractions and possibilities of lumber in the field of architecture, as well as the activities and distinguishing features of Tokyo Mokkoujou Arts & Crafts Furnishings. Each feature focuses on a different subject.

In this interview, Chihiro Tada, director of the Tokyo Toy Museum, discusses practical activities and future prospects related to wood education.

This interview with Mr. Okahashi, who owns and manages forests in Nara Prefecture’s Yoshino woodlands—home to the famous Yoshino cedar wood—discusses how forestry roads are laid. These roads are used by forest thinning equipment and trucks that haul the resulting timber.

Tokyo Mokkoujou hosted a discussion with architectural critic Shozo Baba on the current state of lumber materials and architecture.

This interview with interior planner Yoshiharu Shimura covers topics including the appeal of wood and various approaches to using it.

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