Health Management

Health Management Declaration

The Shimizu Group will provide an environment in which employees can be healthy and work energetically, and that will help improve the job satisfaction and happiness of all employees.

The Shimizu Group aims to be a company that advances each employee by ensuring that each employee can be healthy, work energetically, and demonstrate the skills they possess. To accomplish these things, we have established a company-wide structure for improving employee health and promoting improvements in the workplace environment, and continue to take the necessary steps. By pursuing these activities, we fulfill our corporate social responsibilities and improve the job satisfaction and happiness of every employee. This is health management in the Shimizu Group.

Kazuyuki Inoue

September 29, 2020
President and Director
Kazuyuki Inoue

Health management Promotion Structure

We have established a dedicated committee chaired by the president. This committee works to promote various measures and works together with the Human Resources Department, the clinic at the head office, the Health & Safety Committee, and the Health Insurance Association to establish measures and strengthen the system for managing and improving employee health.

Health management Promotion Structure
The main measures
To promote health management, we have specified actions in four quadrants and cycle through the PDCA process.

Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

Shimizu was certified Outstanding Organization of "Health & Productivity Management in 2024" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI). We will continue to strengthen and accelerate initiatives in health management.

The Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program recognizes large enterprises and SMEs (small & medium-sized enterprises) that demonstrate outstanding health management based on initiatives for overcoming health-related challenges in communities and promoting health-conscious activities led by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

Main Measures

Establish a clinic and staff it with occupational health professionals

Shimizu has established medical and dental clinics at the head office and prepared a system for preventing illness and disease in employees. The nine branches throughout Japan are also staffed with occupational healthcare professionals, and we work to create health throughout the company. We hold opinion exchanges among all occupational health staff members in Japan twice a year and strive to make further improvements to the health creation system.

Occupational physician
  • 1, full-time
  • 12, part-time
Contract physicians (internal medicine, orthopedics, ophthalmology, and dentistry)
  • 2, full-time
  • 15, part-time
Public health nurses, RNs, etc.
  • 22, full-time
  • 2, part-time
Clinical psychologist
  • 3, full-time
  • 5, part-time
Medical clinic at headquarters
Medical clinic at headquarters
Dental clinic
Dental clinic

Mental Healthcare

To maintain the mental health of employees, Shimizu provides training on self-care to young employees and training on care of those in their line to those new to managerial positions. In addition to internal support, we are also building a counseling system that provides many kinds of support to employees, including establishing an external counseling hotline and maintaining a full-time clinical psychologist at the head office. For employees returning from long-term leave, we implement a return-to-work program in cooperation with the occupational physician and clinical psychologist to support a smooth return to the workplace.

Anti-smoking Measures

Shimizu has prohibited smoking during work hours since October 2021 and is eliminating smoking locations in its head office and domestic and overseas branches and offices.
We are taking thorough steps to prevent passive smoking. For those who wish to quit smoking, outpatient smoking cessation support at the head office and e-mail smoking cessation support by a public health nurse are available. Also the company supports by communicating through digital signage and internal bulletins. At the anti-smoking event held from 2021 to 2022, 112 people (or approximately 5% of our smokers) participated in the quit smoking challenge. Approximately 80% of participants were satisfied with the event. (Support goods: approximately 50,000 yen)

Infectious Disease Prevention Measures

We provide group vaccinations for seasonal influenza at our facilities and subsidies for individual vaccinations at outside facilities. In 2020, we also fully subsidized the cost of vaccinations for our employees’ families and our temporary employees as part of our preparations for a simultaneous outbreak with COVID-19.

In addition, we established a response committee for COVID-19 headed by the president to provide prompt instructions to both domestic and overseas offices on how to respond to the situation. We have implemented various measures to ensure that employees and their families feel safe. Such measures including the establishment of a dedicated consultation hotline for employees and their families, providing an e-learning on infection prevention for all employees, and special measures according to the job characteristics and health conditions of employees with underlying medical conditions with high risk of serious illness or pregnancy.

Furthermore, we administer vaccinations to employees assigned to overseas offices prior to their departure. We also protect the health of our employees by conducting region-specific activities to prevent infectious diseases such as dengue fever and HIV/AIDS.

Checking in with Employees Stationed Overseas

We are confirming the mental and physical health of employees stationed overseas by sending them a questionnaire three times a year. Public health nurses and occupational physicians are following up on the work environment, human relations, and other issues that are difficult to identify from a questionnaire through face-to-face meetings.

Creating Health Through the Cafeteria Menu

The cafeteria menu at the head office displays the calories, protein, fat, and salt content of menu items in an effort to improve employee health consciousness.

Cafeteria in the head office displaying the calories and other information on the menu
Cafeteria in the head office displaying the calories and other information on the menu

Conducting Health Exams

Shimizu provide annual periodic health checkup for every employee under the age of 40 and receive guidance of lifestyle-related illnesses provided by a public health nurse. We also recommend patients to undergo detailed examinations. (Detailed examination screening rate: 85.2% (FY2022/head office))
We provide day off for annual comprehensive medical examination for every employee over the age of 40 to strive for early detection of disease and prevention of serious illness. Furthermore, we assume the full cost of such health exams.

For those who transferred overseas and find it difficult to participate in group health exams, the person in charge at each office makes arrangements for exams to be conducted at hospitals and follows up on health items specified by the Company.

We also educate employees on the importance of undergoing exams for female-specific health risks such as uterine and breast cancer, and subsidize the expense for such exams. In fiscal 2020, we achieved screening rates of 57% for uterine cancer and 82% for breast cancer.

Job Site Rounds

The occupational physician, public health nurse, and other occupational healthcare staff travel around to construction job sites and meet with employees.
Going to the job site, confirming the actual working conditions, and meeting with employees enables them to provide appropriate healthcare advice and leads to early detection of people who are in poor health.

Interview with a public health nurse
Interview with a public health nurse

Record on Measures

This is Shimizu’s record on health management measures.

Category FY2020 Results FY2021 Results FY2022 Results
Percentage of employees who underwent regular health exams 100% 100% 100%
Percentage of employees who completed the stress check 87.0% 88.8% 80.8%
Overall health risk on the stress check 83 83 84
Percentage of female employees screened for uterine cancer※1
(females age 20 and older)
57.0% 55.0% 56.7%
Percentage of female employees screened for breast cancer※1
(females age 40 and older)
82.0% 82.0% 84.2%
Percentage of employees who smoke
  • Men, 28.1%
  • Women, 9.0%
  • Men, 25.6%
  • Women, 6.9%
  • Men, 25.3%
  • Women, 8.6%
Treatment persistence rate of high-risk patient Blood pressure 93.7% 94.0%
Blood sugar 91.3% 92.9%
Lipid 73.5% 77.3%
Percentage of employee with health literacy※2 81.4% 80.6%
Percentage of obesity〔BMI 25 or more〕
(age 40 and older)
39.5% 38.7% 38.5%
Absenteeism due to injury or illness(Absenteeism)※3 0.3 day 0.3 day 0.5 day
Work performance due to health problems(Presenteeism)※4 2.1% 1.9% 2.0%
No. of people met with during job site rounds
(job sites directly supervised by the head office)
Occupational physician 22 52 131
Public health nurses 588 453 1,246
  1. The percentages of female employees screened for uterine and breast cancer are the percentages screened within the past two years.
  2. Percentage of employees who responded they were “willing to improve lifestyle” or were “already working on it” in the questionnaire at the time of their health exam.
  3. Average number of days used under sick leave system by all employees.
  4. Percentage of employees who responded “less than 50%” as the evaluation of their work for the past four weeks where the results they can normally achieve are set at 100%.

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